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Raptor Negative Pressure HEPA filtration unit,


Raptor Negative Pressure HEPA filtration unit,


  • Overview

Substantially Reduce Surgery Fallow Time.

The Dustex Raptor unit can be configured to either force in clean air, or extract out contaminated air. Delivering up to 1000 m3/h of clean air, this unit is powerful enough to create a negative or positive pressure environment.

Guidance From Public Health England

"A single air change is estimated to remove 63% of airborne contaminants...and after 5 air changes, less than 1% of the original airborne contamination is thought to remain."
Source: Reducing the risk of transmission of COVID-19 in the hospital setting (Public Health England, 2020)

  • Force clean air in, purge contaminated air out
  • Ideal for treatment rooms
  • Ideal for consultation rooms
  • Ideal for reception areas and waiting rooms
  • Ideal for clinics, surgeries and dental practices

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