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Medit i700 wireless Intraoral Scanner


Medit i700 wireless Intraoral Scanner


  • Overview

Intelligent power management function automatically switches the device to sleep mode when not in use, standing by up to 8 hours. It takes just seconds to wake the device for scanning.

Outstanding weight balance even witha battery attached for added comfort.

Once you’ve used up all 3 included batteries, simply connect the power cable and keep using the device.

Medit Link

Scan with intelligent features and apps specialised for your dental procedures. Improve consultation experience with your patient to provide better treatment options. Enhance your communication with labs through a real time cloud-based system.

Medit is one of the fastest companies to provide software upgrades. Users can get the renewed scanner with improved performance and new features through software upgrades.

Smart Scan Filtering

Remove unnecessary soft tissue data which is one of the biggest challenges when performing scans.

Medit Ortho Simulation

Help the patient visualise potential results of anorthodontic treatment.

Cloud-based Service

Store all data in the cloud. Work on your original scans, archive your digital impressions and orders, manage your cases wherever you are.

Smart Colour Filtering

Automatically filter the color out during scanning, reducing the number of artifacts and making retraction easier.

Medit Smile Design

Show the patient their future smile or help them envision a braces treatment.

Web Viewer & Case Talk

Experience smoother communication, with partners. View scan data on any device and share notes. All data is stored securely.

Margin Line Creation

Choose between allowing the system to automatically generate the margin line for any tooth or create it manually.

Denture Scanning

Scan edentulous patients, or the inner surface of the denture. Use wax rims or dentures to perform occlusal alignment.

A.I. Scanbody & Abutment Matching

Abutments and scan bodies are automatically matched and aligned with the scan data. Use this function for downstream work such as CAD.

Medit Crown Fit

Conduct a modeless crown fitting. The software can reveal where alterations may be needed.

Impression Scanning

Get the data from the hard-to-scan areas using an impression, scan it, and combine with the intraoral data.

Face Scan

Scan your patient’s face, import 3D face data and bone data, and align all these data sets to get a more comprehensive final result.


  • Scanning frame: Up to 70 FPS
  • Imaging technology: 3D-in-motion video technology l 3D full color streaming capture
  • Light source: LED
  • Anti-fogging technology: Adaptive anti-fogging
  • Full-arch: 10.9μm ± 0.98
  • Dimensions: 313 x 44 x 47.4 mm
  • Weight: 328g (including battery and tip)
  • Tip size: 22.2 x 17.1 mm
  • Mirror angle: 45-degree angle
  • Scan area: 15 x 13 mm
  • Autoclavable: Up to 150 times / Autoclave 121°C 30 mins l Autoclave 134°C 4 mins
  • Reversible tip: Yes
  • Remote control mode: Yes
  • UV-C disinfection: Yes
  • Length: 1.0 m (3m sold separately)
  • Connectivity: USB 3.1 Gen1 (Wireless Hub)
Technical Info

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