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Durr VistaScan Mini View


Durr VistaScan Mini View


  • Overview

Plug into the Future - Ready Today for Tomorrow's Practice

With the new VistaScan Mini View 2.0, not only the design is futuristic. The technology behind it is also forward-looking.

The image plate scanner works with the latest VistaScan image plates IQ which supports the latest generation of AI functions. In conjunction with the VistaScan Smart Reader, workflows can be easily automated. Together with the superior image quality, you make your dental practice safe for the future.

Read in Quickly and Easily

With the Easy Feed concept, image plates can be read very quickly and immediately one after the other. The interchangeable inserts enable all intraoral image plate formats to be digitised.

ScanManager – for Efficient Work

Scan jobs can be sent to the VistaScan Mini View 2.0 from different workstations at the same time. Select the desired order on the display, scan it and immediately report it on the PC.

Scanning is Possible Without a PC

Thanks to the standalone mode, it is possible to work independently of the network. The images are temporarily stored on the device and later transferred to the database.

All Intraoral Formats

With the VistaScan Mini View 2.0, all intraoral imaging plate formats can be digitised - from size 0 to 4.

Ambient Light

The LED lighting of the VistaScan Mini View 2.0 sets new colour accents in your practice. You are free to choose the colour that suits you.

Large Glass Touch Display

The coloured 5" touch display offers a very comfortable user interface.

Outstanding Image Quality Thanks to PCS

The VistaScan Mini View 2.0 can reliably display incipient caries lesions as well as the finest bony structures.

WiFi Functionality

The integrated WLAN functionality and the LAN interface allow the scanner to be easily integrated into a network.

VistaScan Image Plates IQ

The powerful VistaScan Mini View 2.0 is an image plate scanner for the highest demands in terms of image quality, ease of use and performance.

For maximum performance, it works exclusively with VistaScan imaging plates IQ.

In this combination, in addition to the tried-and-tested technology and outstanding image quality thanks to PCS technology, it offers many new functions that noticeably increase comfort, efficiency and security.

Sustainability Built-in From the Start

All of the Durr image plate scanners are manufactured with sustainability in mind, and their goal is to achieve CO² neutral production.

Other divisions of DÜRR DENTAL are also committed to using resources in the most responsible way possible. With all of their products, it is important for them that they continue to improve energy efficiency and maximise service life by making all their units easy to repair and service. And, of course, last but not least everything is packaged in a safe and eco-friendly way.

Smart Workflow with SmartScan - Automation for a More Relaxed Work

1. Assign image plate
Image plates can be assigned to a patient in VistaSoft with the VistaScan Smart Reader. This puts the VistaScan Mini View 2.0 into exposure readiness.

2. Scan the imaging plate
Now read image plates from different patients one after the other in any order.

3. X-ray found
VistaSoft automatically assigns the X-ray images to the correct patient.

Automatic Image Rotation

A VistaSoft algorithm based on artificial intelligence checks the orientation of intraoral X-ray images based on the anatomy displayed and automatically corrects the image rotation if necessary. This saves you valuable working time.

Automatic Quality Check of the Imaging Plates

In conjunction with VistaScan image plates IQ, Vistasoft AI carries out the automated image plate quality check for every intraoral exposure. This ensures that excellent image quality is maintained over the long term.

Wrong-Side Exposure Detection

VistaSoft AI automatically detects potentially wrong-side exposure of the image plate and gives the user a corresponding message.

VistaSoft 3D

The package includes a full 2D and 3D X-ray license for VistaSoft, which allows you to view and report 2D and 3D image data even without your own DVT device.

VistaSoft AI Included

With the VistaSoft package, you get access to extensive AI functions that will make your work in everyday practice much more efficient.

In conjunction with VistaScan image plates IQ, Vistasoft AI enables, for example, an automatic check of every X-ray image for declining image quality and, if necessary, recommends an exchange in order to ensure a permanently high image quality.

Technical Info

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