...and we will save your day.
Our bespoke EclipseCare Service Plans are tailored to suit your needs and preferences. You can select the features from the list below that will be of benefit to you. Once you have registered with us you never need to worry about your annual servicing or breakdowns again.
Let us know which features you would like included in your EclipseCare:
We can include: Air Compressors, Suction Pumps, Dental Chairs, X-Rays and PVI's
In a rush?
CQC inspection looming?
Call our service line: 01322 292222
Email: enquiries@eclipse-dental.com
...and put your mind at ease with Eclipse Dental's Annual Service Plans.
At the end of the day an EclipseCare Service Plan can save you money in the short and long term.
Posted by Eclipse Admin
29 Jun, 2019