
Hertfordshire NHS – Hemel Hempstead

3 surgery and decontamination room fit-out for The Marlowes Health and Wellbeing Centre completed during the health centre's refurbishment of the building.


This project was run by Hertfordshire Partnership University NHS Foundation Trust (HPFT) and Hertfordshire Community NHS Trust (HCT). The newly refurbished building is home to community mental health services for adults and children, along with a range of HCT services including community dentistry.

The site has been named The Marlowes Health and Wellbeing Centre after an invitation to the public and staff to help choose one for the centre.


We fitted out 3 surgeries plus clean and dirty decontamination rooms. The chairs we installed are Belmont 055 Clair chairs with a Clesta II E Mobile Cart and Durr suction system.

One of the surgeries is a special needs room and incorporates a hoist and space for a bariatric chair for future installation. This room was designed with quick release outlets for the mobile cart on both sides of the surgery for flexibility of treatment positions.

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