Busy four dental surgery practice, fortunate in having a spare storeroom which could be converted to a bespoke dental decontamination room.
This busy four surgery practice was fortunate in having a room which could be converted to a decontamination room, although it seemed far from ideal at first sight. We were asked to accommodate four autoclaves, two washer disinfectors, an ultrasonic bath, a handpiece steriliser as well as high capacity instrument storage.
This design developed as a result of many meetings and much detailed discussion regarding HTM01-05, ergonomics and the practice’s infection control protocol.
The depth of the fireplace was utilised to good effect, and the worktops shaped to allow the door of the washer disinfector to open. Four autoclaves were accommodated by use of mobile carts allowing two to be placed on the worktop, and two below.
A reverse osmosis water treatment unit was also included which could be used for the chair water bottles, washer disinfector and autoclaves. Flooring was coved on the walls as well as the cabinetry plinths for a complete and compliant seal. Hygienic white splashbacks were placed around the walls above all work surfaces to ensure that a wipeable surface was provided.