
Altmore Dental Practice Surgey Refurbishment

Complete surgery refurbishment with a Fedesa Electra Ambi dental chair, new cabinetry, flooring and all electrics and plumbing.


Altmore Dental Practice, an award-winning practice on the East side of the Isle of Dogs, offers a comprehensive range of dental treatments.

Committed to providing the highest level of service, they approached us, seeking to refurbish their main surgery with a focus on compliance and an improved patient experience to further elevate their success.


Dr Rohini Mukerji visited our Eclipse Dental showroom with a detailed plan in mind. Together, we designed a layout that perfectly met their requirements.

The chosen solution included the installation of the Fedesa Electra Ambi Dental Chair with a knee break and base mounted, ambidextrous delivery system, accompanied by an assistant’s console.

To complete the look, we installed tall, ceiling-height cabinetry and pelmet lighting, fitted new flooring and ensured all necessary electrical and plumbing work was carried out.


Through a collaborative approach with Dr Mukerji, our team skillfully implemented these design solutions, resulting in a remarkable improvement in the experience for both customers and staff.

The compliant, clinical and fresh new look of the refurbished surgery provided a practical workflow and elevated patient experience.

Driven by our commitment to excellence, we helped Altmore Dental Practice enhance its reputation, further improving its success in delivering exceptional dental care.

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